Codejunkies powersaves manual
Codejunkies powersaves manual


Section 5 - Electrical Data ATS “HS” Type Transfer Switch Transfer Switch Interconnections - Drawing No.

codejunkies powersaves manual

GROUND BAR 22 33 FROM ALTERNATOR STATOR 11 44 E1 E2 GROUND BAR DISCONNECT BONDING CONNECTI UTILITY METER SOCKET SERVICE DISCONNECT ATS T2 NOTE: INSTALLATION TO BE DONE BY A E1 LICENSED ELECTRICIAN AND MUST MEET ALL NATIONAL, STATE AND LOCAL ELECTRICAL CODES. 0F0017-A 8 IF ATS IS USED AS SERVICE ENTRANCE DEVICE A BONDING JUMPER WILL NEED TO BE INSTALLED SIZED TO MEET NATIONAL & LOCAL CODES. Section 4 - Installation Diagram ATS “HS” Type Transfer Switch Drawing No. If no-load frequency is correct but voltage is not, the voltage regulator PROC If the no-load voltage is correct but no-load frequency is incorrect, the engine governed speed DANGER may require adjustment.


Turn ON the UTILITY power supply to the trans- Do NOT proceed until generator AC output volt- fer switch using the service disconnect circuit age and frequency are correct and within stated breaker. Section 3 - Operation ATS “HS” Type Transfer Switch NOTE: 3.3 VOLTAGE CHECKS 1.


� Manual operation handle in the DOWN posi- 3.2.2 CLOSE TO EMERGENCY SOURCE SIDE tion - LOAD terminals (T1, T2) are connected to Before proceeding, verify the Move handle DOWN for the STANDBY (EMERGENCY) position. Move handle UP for the NORMAL (UTILITY) position. NOTE: Return handle to storage position in enclosure when finished with manual transfer. Section 3 - Operation ATS “HS” Type Transfer Switch Figure 3.1 - Actuating Transfer Switch Attach handle to the moveable contact carrier arm. 3.1 FUNCTIONAL TESTS AND Before connecting wiring cables to terminals, remove a The installation must comply fully with all applicable codes, standards and regulations. used tor, the LOAD 1 and LOAD 2 wires are not used. Section 3 - Operation ATS “HS” Type Transfer Switch Conductor sizes must be adequate to handle the NOTE: maximum current to which they will be subjected to, When this ATS is used with an air-cooled genera- based on the 75☌ column of tables, charts, etc. MODEL # Handle transfer switches carefully when install-  ing


Record the Model and Serial numbers in the space provided below for future reference. Section 2 - Installation GTS “HS” Type Transfer Switch When requesting information or ordering parts for this 2.3 MOUNTING equipment, make sure to include all information from Mounting dimensions for the transfer switch enclo- the DATA DECAL. This will help to COIL prevent accidents or damage to equipment that might otherwise be caused by ca Read the manual carefully CLOSING and comply with all instructions. Section 1 - General Information ATS “HS” Type Transfer Switch Figure 1.1 - Typical ATS Transfer Mechanism 1.1 INTRODUCTION This manual has been prepared especially for the UTILITY LUGS purpose of familiarizing personnel with the design, application, installation, operation and servicing of UTILITY the applicable equipment.

codejunkies powersaves manual

When using this equipment, comply with 1.2 Equipment Description.

codejunkies powersaves manual

2 to local, state and national electrical and building 1.1 Introduction.2 codes. Adhere strictly Section 1 - General Information. Inside Front Cover operate and service this equipment. Table of Contents � Competent, qualified personnel should install, Safety Rules. Replace any decal or label that is no longer Also read the instructions and information on tags,   decals, and labels that may be affixed to the transfer switch.  SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS! Read the following information carefully before attempting to install, operate or service this equipment. IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS - This manual contains important instructions that should be  followed during installation and maintenance of the generator and batteries.

Codejunkies powersaves manual